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高中英语动词语法总结?ability,capability,capacity,aptitude,talent,gift,faculty和genius1. ability 主要指人的智力和体力,含有能干好的意思,后常接to do sth.或in sth./for sth.复数形式abilities表示“才能,专门技能”,我来为大家科普一下关于高中英语动词语法总结?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!




1. ability 主要指人的智力和体力,含有能干好的意思,后常接to do sth.或in sth./for sth.。复数形式abilities表示“才能,专门技能”。


The Americans are celebrated for their inventive ability美国人以发明创造才能著称。

I do not doubt your ability to dp the work.我从不怀疑你从事这项工作的能力。

She is trying hard to improve her conversational abilities.她在努力提高会话能力。

2. capability的含义与ability相近,主要指人天生或潜在的“能力”,后接to do sth.,for sth.或of doing sth.。

He has the capability of solving/to solve practical problems.他有解决实际问题的能力。

It is quite beyond his capabilities.这大大超过了他的能力范围。

He is a man of great capabilities and should be trained.他是个很有潜力的人,应该加以培养。

She has great capabilities as a writer.他极具作家潜质。

3. capacity指接受、理解能力,吸收、容纳能力,可用于人或物,后接for(doing)sth.或of sth.。

Her capacity for(learning)languages is negligible.她学习语言的能力很差。

He has no capacity for improvement.他是朽木不可雕。

The auditorium has a capacity of 800people.这个大礼堂可以容纳800人。

He has a mind of great capacity.他的理解能力极强。

This book is within the capacity of young readers.这本书少年读者可以理解。

4. aptitude表示“有天生的获得知识或者技能的才能”,尤指学习方面。

He shows some aptitude for language.他表现出学习语言的才能。

He has special aptitude for solving mathematical problems.他有解决数学难题的特殊才能。

5. talent指特殊工作或者活动中非凡的能力,被看成是天生就有的,后天可以加以发展或者不予发展。

Her talent as actress was discovered and developed only after she met the famous director.她当演员的天才只是在遇到这位知名导演后才得以显露的。

6. gift也指先天的能力(ability)和素质(quality),这和talent差不多,但gift意味着源于上帝或大自然恩赐,命运中带来的,不一定具备创造能力(creative ability)和原创性(originality),能泛指任何一种个人的突出的能力。

An artist is the sort of artist he is, because he happens to possess certain gifts. 艺术家之所以是艺术家,是因为他碰巧具备了某种天赋。

7. faculty指特定的技能(skill or power),可以是先天就有,也可以是后天习得,虽不及其他几个词强烈,但是肯定意义比较确定,不用于夸张比喻。

A sensible person has the faculty to tell right from wrong.神志正常的人,都有鉴别是非的能力。

8. genius的意义最强,是天生的、给人印象特别的天才。

In the contemporary novel genius is hard to find, but talent is abundant.在当代长篇小说中,虽然才华横溢随处可见,却是天才稀少,天涯难觅。
